What is an IEP (Individualized Education Plan)?
An individualized education plan (IEP) is a written plan that describes special education programs, accommodations and services that a school board will provide for a student. IEPs are based on a thorough assessment of a student’s strengths, needs and ability to learn and demonstrate learning. According to the Ontario Ministry of Education, the purpose of an Individualized Education Plan is to meet a child’s academic, development and functional needs that result from a disability; and to support a child to successfully progress through the general curriculum.
What does an IEP contain?
An IEP is a written plan describing the special education program and/or services required by a particular student, based on a thorough assessment of the strengths and needs that affect the student’s ability to learn and to demonstrate learning.
How to prepare as a parent for your child’s IEP:
As a parent it can be an overwhelming process to get an IEP in place for your child. It requires a lot of communication and collaboration with your child’s school principal, teachers and resource staff and the process can be confusing. If your child is identified by the school as someone who could benefit from an IEP, you will be asked to attend a meeting with school personnel (and possible community resource staff as well) to help create the document for your child. To help you prepare, here are 5 key questions you can ask before your IEP meeting, and 10 key questions you can ask during your IEP meeting:
5 Questions to ask BEFORE your IEP meeting (these will help you feel prepared and ready):
1. What is the goal of this IEP meeting?
2. Who will be present at the meeting?
3. Can we create an agenda for this meeting and share it in advance?
4. Could you please provide me with advance copies of any notes/reports we will be discussing at the meeting?
5. May I have a copy of my child’s current IEP to review (if it applies)?
10 Questions to ask DURING your IEP meeting (these will help you clarify expectations and processes):
1. How does everyone at this meeting know my child and have you all worked with him/her/them?
2. Could we walk through the current school program and IEP plan, piece by piece together?
3. Who will work on each of the goals with my child? Where, when, how often?
4. What training do the staff have that will be working with my child?
5. How will these goals be measured and how will my child’s progress be monitored?
6. What will the accommodations/instruction actually look like in the classroom for my child?
7. May I see a final copy of the IEP before agreeing to it/before agreeing to any suggested changes at this meeting? When will a final copy be available?
8. When will the IEP start to be implemented in the classroom?
9. Can we make a plan for keeping in touch about progress over the year/who can I speak to about questions about the IEP through the year?
10. What can I do to support my child’s IEP at home?