Elementary online tutoring
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Online tutoring for children
Our tutors are excited to teach your little one to expand and develop their reading, writing and math skills through online tutoring. We tutor kids as young as 3.5!
We provide 1:1, customized tutoring to students in pre-Kindergarten to grade 8 using our interactive, online tutoring system.
Beyond the Classroom has been tutoring students since 1998, providing customized, 1:1 tutoring.
We have amazing online teachers available NOW to help your child continue with their academics for all subjects including reading, writing, math, organizational skills and French.
The tutoring sessions take place online on our tutoring platform called The Lesson Space. It’s an engaging online space where tutors and students connect using video, audio, share resources, screen share and edit in real time.
It’s a great way for your child to stay on track with the work from their teachers.